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COVID Holiday Tips to Keep You & Your Family Safe This Season

by The Cochran Firm Phildelphia   | December 14, 2020

With the most recent, nationwide spike in COVID cases, it’s more important than ever to take precautions for you and your family this holiday season. Just like you, we want nothing more than to spend this time of year with those we love. However, to move past this COVID era, we must all make some adjustments to our holiday plans. That's why we have compiled a top three COVID holiday tips for 2020. Remember - we’re in this together and although it has seemingly been a lifetime, these adjustments are just temporary. Keep following the safety guidelines put in place by the CDC and maybe try something new this year! 

COVID Holiday Tip #1: Don’t Stop Now - General Safety Guidelines To Prevent COVID

It’s been nearly a year since we were first advised to wear masks and practice social distancing. And despite the continuous updates and changing recommendations, these two precautions are still crucial. Don’t stop wearing your masks or social distancing now! Yes, the general population has been following these guidelines for the past year and COVID has yet to go away, but they are the simplest and arguably most effective measures you can take to prevent the spread, and protect yourself and loved ones.

Additional general guidelines to consider:

  • Avoid Large Gatherings - The maximum gathering size has fluctuated throughout the pandemic, and varies depending on your State and even County. As a general rule though, the gathering size should allow all attendees to remain 6 feet apart. If you are fortunate to have a larger space, then more people will be able to safely attend. If you have a smaller space, then you should consider keeping your gathering small.
  • Quarantine & Get Tested Ahead of Time - If you plan on spending time with people you do not share a household with, self quarantine for 7-10 days and get tested prior to your holiday festivities. Even if you feel fine, getting tested will significantly decrease the chances of spreading the virus. You never know - you could be asymptomatic and test positive. But that doesn’t mean you cannot give the virus to someone else. 
  • Opt Out of Public Transportation - If you decide to gather with those that are a distance away, it is highly recommended to drive yourself. And if you are not within driving distance, consider alternative holiday plans this year. We know that’s not what you want to hear, but the chances of contracting and spreading the virus are much higher if you fly, take public transportation, or even take an Uber. 

COVID Holiday Tip #2: Try Something New - Go Virtual & Create New Traditions

We couldn’t be more thankful for advanced technology than we are now! 2020 is the year of going virtual and creating new traditions: Zoom dinners, arts and crafts, and spending more time outdoors. No one has to be left out of the holiday festivities! If safe to do so, host small in-person gatherings with your family and friends. But if someone cannot attend, they can join via Zoom, Facetime, or whatever other platform you prefer. By reimagining existing traditions or by creating new ones, you can also ensure no one gets left out. Try a virtual gingerbread house making competition or doing an outdoor activity the whole family can enjoy. The most important thing is to adhere to the guidelines previously discussed and ensure a safe environment for everyone involved.

If giving back to your community is usually a large part of your holiday traditions, you can still do that as well. The holidays are not always a great time of year for everyone, so don’t let COVID stop you from spreading some joy. Video greetings and holiday wishes are a great alternative to traditional cards. Donating money, delivering groceries or supplies to high-risk populations, and volunteering with mental health helplines are all great ways to safely give back to the community too. The simple act of checking in on someone this season can go a long way. For more ideas or ways to give back, check with your favorite local charities. Most organizations have put their own guidelines and contingency plans in place due to COVID.

COVID Holiday Tip #3: Stay Informed - Regularly Check For Updates From The CDC

The last piece of advice we have to keep you and your family safe this holiday season is to stay educated, stay informed, and stay up to date. Regularly check for updates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, along with local government and health entities. The World Health Organization also has great resources. Depending on where you live, the restrictions and guidelines will vary.

As previously touched on, there is new data and research that comes up every day. The mask is effective, then it’s not effective. You can only have gatherings of 8 and then you can have them up to 12. The restrictions and guidelines are always changing so do your part in stopping the spread. Follow the recommendations proposed by verified health organizations and when in doubt, take the safe route and take extra precaution. Use your best judgement, and do what is best for you and your family. 

Contact Us Today

During this time, The Cochran Firm Philadelphia is continuing to take our own precautionary measures amidst COVID-19, but do not fear - we are still here for you. If you or a loved one needs us this holiday season, we will work with you virtually and waste no time. We will review your case and proceed if we feel we can obtain a favorable outcome, while keeping the health and wellbeing of everyone a priority. We will ensure your case remains on track and keep you in the loop throughout the entire process. 

The attorneys at our Philadelphia office have secured numerous multimillion-dollar awards for victims of serious injury and many have even been recognized as Super Lawyers for their personal injury successes. 

When you are the victim of  serious injury or illness, you deserve someone on your side who is both intimately familiar with state and federal laws, and fully devoted to helping you get maximum compensation. Call us today to schedule your FREE case evaluation at 1-800-THE-FIRM.

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