Lawyer for Maryland Gynecology Patients Whose OB/GYN Doctor Took Illegal photos

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Lawsuits by Patients Whose Gynecologists Illegally Photographed Them

Our team of experienced medical malpractice attorneys understands how to successfully prosecute lawsuits by Maryland patients whose privacy rights were invaded by their gynecologist. The seasoned lawyers with The Cochran Firm aggressively navigate the legal process on behalf of patients whose legal rights and trust have been violated.

Under Maryland law, a male gynecologist who takes photographs of a female gynecology patient without her permission, knowledge, or authorization is breaking the law. Fortunately, the law provides such patients with the right to seek compensation from both the gynecologist and from the doctor’s employers who may have been negligent in their oversight and supervision. The attorneys with The Cochran Firm understand the complex legal issues unique to these medical malpractice cases and design their litigation strategy with the goal of securing the highest possible level of compensation for their clients.

If you believe your gynecologist took photos of you without your permission or knowledge or otherwise violated your rights, contact The Cochran Firm today. We can help.

Why File a Lawsuit Against a Maryland Gynecologist?

It can sometimes be hard to believe that your gynecologist, in whom you place total trust, has violated your legal rights. Many patients find it difficult to accept that their personal physician did not provide adequate care. Although it can be a sensitive issue, our clients often find it illuminating to learn the level of care that the law requires. Our experienced attorneys are sensitive to these concerns and can educate you about the applicable law, the legal process, and how to proceed.

By filing a lawsuit, you emphasize to society that you are taking a stand against intolerable behavior. Maryland gynecologists will think twice about invading the privacy of their patients if they know consequences will be swift and severe. A successful legal claim against a gynecologist who took illegal photos of his patients may incentivize hospitals to implement rigorous procedures designed to prevent gynecologists from engaging in this reprehensible behavior in the future.

Contact The Cochran Firm today at 1-800-THE-FIRM (1-800-843-3476) to determine whether filing a legal claim is the right option for you and your family. Our experienced team of female legal professionals and medical malpractice attorneys can guide you through the legal process and answer any questions you may have. All initial inquiries are free, confidential, and carry absolutely no obligation. Because the law sets strict deadlines for filing legal claims against gynecologists who engage in unlawful behavior, we recommend contacting us as soon as possible in order to preserve your rights.

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