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Mass Tort and Complex Civil Litigation Lawyers Serving Injured Victims and Their Families in Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia

Though unintended, products sometimes malfunction. Likewise, some drugs can do more harm than good. When a prescription pain reliever, defective car, or dangerous drug hurts people, large corporations and insurance companies sometimes go into defensive mode. Rather than own up and accept responsibility for corporate misdeeds, they would rather deny culpability or offer unrealistically low compensation packages to severely injured individuals and their families. This is why victims injured by consumer and pharmaceutical products hire lawyers like the experienced D.C., Maryland, and Virginia mass tort lawyers of The Cochran Firm, DC. Our DC, MD, VA mass tort lawyers are here to help.

Mass torts are civil lawsuits brought by large numbers of injured victims due to a common cause such as a defective product, man-made disasters like factory explosions and airplane crashes, maritime accidents, toxic chemical exposure, environmental damage, and antitrust price fixing. The law governing mass torts is complex, frequently changing, and fraught with pitfalls that snare the inexperienced practitioner.

Successfully bringing a mass tort claim requires dedication, experience, and the background necessary to understand intricate procedural and jurisdictional court rules. In addition, a law firm representing a mass tort claim must be able to coordinate multiple parties and possess cross-disciplinary competencies including public advocacy, strategic planning, document organization and management, sophisticated case supervision, expert witness procurement and preparation, and effective negotiation.

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Outstanding Track Record of Success

With high-stakes lawsuits like mass torts where the defendant may pull no punches and spare no expense in denying responsibility, you need an experienced mass tort lawyer who understands the procedure and law unique to D.C., Maryland, and Virginia. The legal professionals and attorneys with The Cochran Firm, DC have achieved a distinguished track record of decisive multi-million dollar recoveries by aggressively litigating against deep-pocketed and powerful defendants responsible for injured victims.

Mass tort cases can involve hundreds of thousands of documents, extensive pretrial negotiations and depositions, many varied legal motions and pleadings, and lengthy trials. With their depth and breadth of litigation experience, The Cochran Firm, DC’s attorneys are ready to take the most complex mass tort case to trial or favorable settlement against the largest and most powerful defendants.

The Cochran Firm, DC has the national resources and expert team of mass tort plaintiffs’ lawyers needed to ensure justice prevails. We seek to hold large corporations, insurance companies, and government entities responsible for their transgressions that left groups of innocent victims injured. Contact the experienced Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia mass tort lawyers with The Cochran Firm, DC at 1-800-THE-FIRM for a free initial consultation.

What are Mass Torts?

A mass tort is a civil wrong that causes injuries and damages to a large number of victims. A tort is a civil, as opposed to criminal, wrong for which the law provides redress. Mass tort cases may sometimes be litigated in one case governed by a multidistrict litigation or MDL. In a mass tort case, many plaintiffs may sue one defendant due to a dangerous product or one large harmful event. At the federal level, the general procedural requirement in a mass tort is that the injured victims share common questions of fact or law that arose out of the same transaction or occurrence.

Mass torts are distinct from normal tort cases. When a large group of individuals wish to sue the same defendant, the lawyer representing the injured victims wishing to sue (known as the plaintiffs) must request permission from the court to file a mass tort lawsuit. The court will then perform a legal analysis – primarily, whether the plaintiffs’ claims and injuries are similar to one another and related – and decide whether to grant mass tort status.

What are Common Mass Torts?

Mass torts involving consumer and pharmaceutical products are frequent subjects of mass tort lawsuits. Other mass tort suits may include:

  • Airplane crashes or railroad accidents
  • Exposure to toxic chemicals
  • Defective or dangerous products, including car recalls
  • Tobacco injuries
  • Factory explosions and industrial accidents
  • Construction defects
  • Defective dialysis treatment, including Fresenius’ GranuFlo
  • Federal and state securities law violations
  • Health code violations
  • Antitrust claims regarding price fixing or false advertising
  • Insurance coverage and payments
  • Chemicals used in fracking and horizontal oil drilling
  • Environmental damage and pollution
  • Asbestos claims
  • Oil spills

Why Choose The Cochran Firm, DC for Your Mass Tort Case?

Mass tort claims can be extremely complex both procedurally and substantively. As the saying goes, if it was easy, everyone would do it. Successfully bringing a mass tort claim requires expertise in tort law, trial strategy, and the law governing relevant jurisdictions and civil procedure. A successful mass tort lawsuit in Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia requires strategic management of multi-jurisdiction litigation and the ability to aggressively fight defensive claims about medical issues, causation, and other assertions by opposing expert witness.

Contact an Experienced Mass Tort Lawyer

The mass tort lawyers of The Cochran Firm, DC integrate their tremendous breadth of practice experience litigating complex business, legal, and medical matters with sophisticated case management. Our seasoned team of attorneys has the legal experience and resources needed to successfully prosecute high-profile, high-stakes, complicated mass tort litigation. If you would like further information about The Cochran Firm, DC’s mass tort practice, please contact us. Call 1-800-THE-FIRM to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced mass tort attorney in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia.

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1666 K Street NW
Suite 1150
Washington, DC 20006

400 East Pratt Street
Baltimore, MD 21202

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The Cochran Firm handles Medical Malpractice, Catastrophic Personal Injuries, Motor Vehicle Accidents & Wrongful Death Claims for clients throughout the United States of America. The information on this website does not constitute legal advice nor form an attorney-client relationship. Please contact The Cochran Firm today to schedule a free consultation.
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