Erb's Palsy Lawsuit Attorney DC

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Erb’s Palsy Claims in Washington, DC

Erb’s palsy is one of the most common birth injuries in the United States. This injury is caused by excessive stretching of your child’s brachial plexus, a bundle of nerves that control shoulder, arm and hand movement. The condition is a frequent result of medical malpractice.

There are four types of injuries that can result from overstretching the brachial plexus:

  • Avulsion – occurring when a nerve is torn from the spine.
  • Rupture – occurring when a nerve tears, but stays attached to the spine.
  • Neuroma – a result of a rupture, neuroma occurs when a torn nerve attempts to repair itself and develops scar tissue around the injury.
  • Praxis – occurs when damage does not result in a tear. Praxis generally heals on its own within three months.
    Depending on the severity of your child’s injury, Erb’s palsy may result in long-term or permanent disability and a lifetime of medical expenses and other effects. With resources spanning the country, The Cochran Firm DC’s injury attorneys have the experience and talent necessary to hold negligent healthcare providers responsible who cause Erb’s palsy in Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia.

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Causes of Erb’s Palsy

Like cerebral palsy, Erb’s palsy can be caused by medical negligence. Erb’s palsy commonly results from a condition known as shoulder dystocia. In shoulder dystocia, your baby’s shoulders become stuck against your pelvic bone during delivery. There are accepted standards for delivering a baby experiencing this complication, and other actions taken in this situation can result in Erb’s palsy.

It is possible that your doctor was caught unawares, and did not foresee this complication. However, the potential for shoulder dystocia is easily recognizable during pregnancy by factors including:

  • Fetal pre-birth weight of more than eight pounds, 14 ounces
  • Maternal diabetes
  • Maternal obesity or maternal weight gain of more than 35 pounds
  • Gestation for more than 40 weeks
  • Short maternal stature
  • Maternal contracted or flat pelvis

No matter the cause of shoulder dystocia or if it was a known risk factor prior to delivery, all medical professionals attending the birth of your child have a duty to provide you with a procedure that minimizes risk and takes a reasonable course of action when responding to unforeseen circumstances.

Legal Help for Erb’s Palsy

The birth injury attorneys at The Cochran Firm DC have years of experience assisting families who have suffered from medical negligence. We have access to the national network of medical experts utilized by the national Cochran Firm who will pore over the details of your labor and delivery to help us properly assess liability.

Our attorneys are some of the most talented lawyers in the country, and we will work with you on a personalized basis, paying close attention to the ways in which this injury has impacted you and your child. We will seek maximum compensation for all of your damages, which may include medical expenses, lost wages, and physical and emotional pain and suffering.

Our attorneys have the experience and tenacity required to represent ordinary people against the powerful attorneys and insurance agencies working for healthcare corporations.

If your child is suffering from a brachial plexus injury in Washington, DC, Maryland, or Northern Virginia, please contact the Erb’s palsy attorneys at The Cochran Firm DC to schedule a free initial consultation today.

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The Cochran Firm handles Medical Malpractice, Catastrophic Personal Injuries, Motor Vehicle Accidents & Wrongful Death Claims for clients throughout the United States of America. The information on this website does not constitute legal advice nor form an attorney-client relationship. Please contact The Cochran Firm today to schedule a free consultation.
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