DC Defective Drugs

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Product liability lawyers serving Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC

The Cochran Firm, DC represents injured victims of dangerous drugs and their families. Our law firm has a team of experienced and dedicated attorneys well-versed in product liability and wrongful death laws. If you or a loved one were hurt or died after taking a dangerous, defective, or FDA-recalled drug, The Cochran Firm, DC can help recover compensation for hospital bills, medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

Food and Drug Administration approval does not mean the drug’s manufacturer is free from liability if consumers are harmed. Drugs are meant to keep us healthy and live longer. Drug companies have a legal duty to take reasonable steps to ensure their products are safe. Unfortunately, drug makers sometimes place profits before people.

If You’ve Suffered an Injury from a Dangerous Drug:

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We can help with cases related to:

What makes a drug dangerous?

Many factors may make a drug dangerous or deadly. Drug manufacturers may omit serious information from the FDA and consumers about the side effects of drugs. Drug makers may also conduct flawed studies by not studying the side effects of their drugs for a long enough period of time or conducting a study with a small number of participants. Flawed or dishonest medical studies of pharmaceutical products are another avenue drug makers may use in order to have their products reach American consumers.

Why do drug companies market dangerous drugs?

The market for prescription drugs is fiercely competitive, with many different drugs able to treat the same medical condition. Drug companies spend hundreds of millions of dollars to develop and market their products and may break laws in order to gain an advantage by giving doctors and consumers false information about the safety and efficacy of a drug. By positioning a drug as a safer alternative, drug companies try to convince consumers to choose their medication over that of a competitor.

The side effects of taking dangerous drugs can lead to serious injury or death and the drug’s manufacturer may have known for years of the risks without telling consumers. Drug manufacturers have little incentive to reveal the defects in their products unless they are forced to do so by the FDA. Drug recalls are often “voluntary” but the truth is that “voluntary recalls” by drug manufacturers are done at the behest of the FDA.

What should I do if I’ve been seriously hurt due to a dangerous drug?

Contacting an experienced product liability attorney can help you hold wrongdoers responsible for your or your loved one’s injuries. Drug companies will mount strong and aggressive defenses in order to keep from paying you the compensation you deserve. Until their products have been proven to be dangerous in a court of law, drug companies will not compensate the victims they injured.

The Cochran Firm, DC offers free, prompt, and confidential case reviews. We represent our clients on contingency basis so there are absolutely zero legal fees until you win your case. Call us at 202-682-5800 or fill out a contact form here on our website. Strict time deadlines apply when filing a dangerous drug lawsuit so please contact us at your earliest convenience in order to preserve your rights.

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The Cochran Firm handles Medical Malpractice, Catastrophic Personal Injuries, Motor Vehicle Accidents & Wrongful Death Claims for clients throughout the United States of America. The information on this website does not constitute legal advice nor form an attorney-client relationship. Please contact The Cochran Firm today to schedule a free consultation.
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