Train Accident

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Train Accident Lawyer: Have You Been Injured in a Train Accident?

Derailments | Train crossings | Defective equipment | Train crashes | Railroad collisions

The law requires train operators and railroads to meet a certain level of care in providing transportation services to the public. If they fail to meet this duty, the law provides an avenue for those who have been injured in a train accident to seek justice in the court system. At The Cochran Firm, D.C., our experienced attorneys have a great depth of experience representing victims who have been injured in train derailments, crashes, and other accidents.

If you have been injured in a train accident, contact our team of seasoned legal professionals for a free case consultation. Our experienced attorneys offer personalized legal service to injury victims of railroad accidents. We only hire experienced and accomplished attorneys, and a train accident lawyer will work specifically on your case if you choose to retain The Cochran Firm, D.C. Because strict time limits apply to filing train accident claims, we recommend contacting us as soon as possible.

If You’ve Been a Victim in a Train Accident:

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Experience representing train accident victims

The Cochran Firm, D.C. represented many of the victims from the Fort Totten, Washington, D.C. train crash and was co-liaison counsel for all plaintiffs in the consolidated litigation. The 2009 crash was a train-on-train collision between two trains traveling during rush hour. The tragedy, which left eight passengers dead and 80 injured, was the deadliest crash in the Washington Metro’s history.

The Cochran Firm, D.C.’s train accident lawyers learned firsthand of Metrorail’s poor safety supervision and maintenance issues. Information obtained during the subsequent lawsuits revealed a culture of neglect and mediocre oversight.

Train accidents victims can hold train operators responsible

There are a wide array of issues and behavior for which train operators may be held legally responsible, including:

  • Sleepy or drowsy train driver who engaged in negligent behavior;
  • Derailment due to excessively high speed or other negligent behavior;
  • Faulty traffic signal that causes an accident;
  • Crashes that cause injury or death;
  • Failure to follow government safety regulations;
  • Negligent or careless braking;
  • Aged and faulty tracks that have not been repaired;
  • Train drivers sending text messages or using a cell phone while operating a train;
  • Negligently transporting dangerous cargo on unsafe tracks or routes;
  • Failure to repair cars, signals, equipment, and tracks;

Free, no-obligation consultation

At The Cochran Firm, D.C., we offer free, confidential case evaluations with our staff of legal professionals that carry no obligation. If you or someone you love was injured in a train crash accident, please contact our team of seasoned attorneys. Our experienced train accident lawyers can help you seek justice and hold negligent train operators accountable.

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Washington, DC 20006

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The Cochran Firm handles Medical Malpractice, Catastrophic Personal Injuries, Motor Vehicle Accidents & Wrongful Death Claims for clients throughout the United States of America. The information on this website does not constitute legal advice nor form an attorney-client relationship. Please contact The Cochran Firm today to schedule a free consultation.
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