Dangerous Rural Roads
Nearly 50 million Americans live in rural areas where vehicle transposition is necessary on a daily basis. While the number of people living in rural areas is much lower than those living in urban or suburban areas, the number of fatal auto accidents on rural roads is nearly three times higher.
A recently released report by the nonprofit transportation research group, TRIP, suggests that 55 percent of the nation’s rural roads are rated in mediocre to poor condition. In addition, 22 percent of the nation’s rural bridges are rated as functionally deficient or structurally obsolete. Together, these poorly maintained rural routes pose serious threats to the millions of people who rely on them every day.
If you have been injured or a loved one has been killed while driving on a rural roadway, please contact The Cochran Firm online or by calling (800) 843-3476 today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced auto accident lawyer.
Determining Liability
Who is Liable for Rural Roads and Bridges?
Rural roads and bridges are maintained by the federal surface transportation program, which is part of the Highway Trust Fund. In recent years, Congress has made significant cuts to this fund, impacting things as varied as leveling of rural roads to reinforcing rural bridges. This lack of maintenance most certainly plays a role in the disproportionate amount of fatal auto accidents on these roads.
However, as with all accidents on defective or dangerous roadways, establishing liability and getting fair compensation for victims can be very complex. You need an experienced and dedicated auto accident attorney on your side immediately following injury to help ensure you are treated fairly and provided the full compensation you are due.
To schedule a consultation with one of our committed auto accident lawyers, please contact us today. We maintain offices in many U.S. cities to better serve rural citizens throughout the country.