Atlanta Defective Roadway Accident Lawyers | Auto Accident Law Firm
Sometimes, the driver is not the only cause of an auto accident. Poorly maintained roads and inadequate street signs may also contribute to an auto accident. Roadway defects are the cause of many car accidents in Georgia. As a result, the appropriate government entity is held responsible for car accidents that occur on defectively designed streets and roadways. If you have been injured in an auto accident because of a defective road, you may have a claim against all liable entities.
Do I have a defective road auto accident case?
Were you injured in a car accident because of poor maintenance or a damaged road? If so, you may be eligible to file a defective road auto accident case.
What are the challenges I face in getting the solution that I desire?
To successfully recover against a public entity for a street or highway defect, you must be able to prove the following:
(1) The public entity had control over the thing that caused your damages
(2) The roadway was substandard or created an unreasonable risk of harm or injury.
(3) The public entity was told or should have known about the problem and did not fix the problem within a reasonable length of time.
(4) The defective or unsafe condition was the legal cause of the victim's injuries.
What solution does The Cochran Firm Atlanta offer to victims of defective roads?
At The Cochran Firm Atlanta, we will work to get you the results you deserve. If you feel that you may have an auto accident claim against the public entity that controls the road where you were injured, call (404) 222-9922 for your free consultation today.
What is the first stop towards resolving my defective roadway accident queries?
The first step is to speak to an authentic defective roadway lawyer. At The Cochran Firm Atlanta, the attorneys have an eye for detail. In many road accident cases, the defective road aspect gets ignored, and the incident is perceived to be an ordinary accident. Years of experience makes our defective roadway accident attorneys able to handle such an aspect. Speak to an attorney at The Cochran Firm Atlanta right away.
Want to file a road defects claim? Contact our auto accident lawyers, who have expertise in accidents involving cars, trucks/trailers, buses, motorcycles and others. We also cater to victims of defective vehicles, DUI/drunk driving, and distracted and reckless driving. Call The Cochran Firm Atlanta toll-free at (404) 222-9922, or send us your queries using this inquiry form.