Passenger Jet and Army Helicopter Crash in Washington DC Airspace
The Cochran Firm Atlanta

Results & Verdicts

Founding partner
Johnnie L. Cochran, Jr.
1937 - 2005

Our Results

With 11 unprecedented verdicts in excess of $100 million each and 35 in excess of $10 million, the partners practicing in The Cochran Firm have secured over $35 billion in verdicts, settlements, and judgments for our clients. While we cannot guarantee that your claim will result in millions of dollars, we can guarantee that we will fight tooth and nail, taking your case as far as necessary to ensure you are awarded every penny you are due. We are proud of our service to our clients.

We are also proud to know that much of our work both in and out of the court room has been integral in changing corporate and government policy for the better. We set precedent when we can, but always set out to obtain justice. We are prepared to do whatever it takes to see that justice is served for you and your family.


Results and Verdicts

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Disclaimer: The attorneys with The Cochran Firm have extensive experience in trying personal injury cases in states across the country. The results obtained in numerous cases have made a significant impact on clients’ lives, communities and industry practices. We have highlighted some of the remarkable case results on the Results & Verdicts pages of our website. The facts and circumstances of your case may be different and must be evaluated on its own merit. The case results on these pages represent the full award of the case before expenses and fees were deducted.

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