Fluoroquinolones and Nerve Damage

Fluoroquinolones are among the most widely prescribed antibiotics. Brand names including Cipro, Avelox, and Levaquin were forced by the FDA to include warning labels in 2013 following reports linking the products to neuropathy. A new study has found these risks are actually doubled for people over the age of 40 who are prescribed fluoroquinolones – even first time users. Fluoroquinolones have also been shown to increase risks for retinal detachment.

If you or someone you love has suffered nerve damage after taking a medication containing fluoroquinolones, please contact The Cochran Firm online or by calling (800) 843-3476 today. We maintain offices throughout the United States to better serve victims of pharmaceutical negligence.

Understanding Your Rights

Fluoroquinolones are easily absorbed by the body and capable of fighting a range of bacteria. Their efficacy has been the driving force behind their popularity, making them slightly different than other dangerous drugs – particularly those prescribed for off-label use. Nonetheless, the risks posed by these medications have been intentionally downplayed by the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture them, which may make them accountable for any injuries you suffer.

When you sustain pharmaceutical injury, you need an experienced attorney on your side. When you choose to go it alone, you are left at the, mercy of companies who have a history of placing profit over people. The defective drug attorneys at The Cochran Firm have the experience and resources necessary to take even the most difficult cases and help our clients get the total compensation they are due.

To schedule a free case evaluation with one of the experienced defective drug attorneys at The Cochran Firm, please contact us today. Our attorneys maintain offices in several cities and states allowing our firm to fight for the rights of victims of dangerous medications throughout the country.