In 1997, Julie Andrews, mostly famously known for per performances in the Sound of Music and Mary Poppins, went in for an operation to treat non-cancerous nodules in her throat. Instead, she left with hoarseness, vocal chord damage, and other complications. She filed the lawsuit in 1999 and it came to a close one year later in 2000, with a settlement against two doctors at New York City’s Mt. Sinai Hospital. The terms of the settlement were never disclosed to the public. Andrews has still found success since the operation, but her iconic singing voice was left changed forever.
In 1995, Willie King was scheduled to have his right leg amputated due to diabetes-related vascular disease, but instead the left leg was removed. King got the correct removed at a different hospital across town a short time after. The University Community Hospital settlement of $900,000 and an additional settlement of $250,000 with Rolando Sanchez resulted in a total settlement of $1.15 million for King. A procedure, which would have already left the patient without one leg, resulted in him losing both.
In 2003, 17 year old Jessica Santilian came to the United States from Mexico to undergo both a heart and lung transplant. During the operation, Santilian experienced severe brain damage and her body began shutting down. It wasn’t until then that the medical staff at Duke University Hospital realized that the donor and Sanitilian did not have the same blood type. A second transplant operation took place as an attempt to save her life, but failed. A settlement was reached in 2004 between Duke University Health System and the family of Santilian, but details of the agreement are not public.
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