Amputation & Loss of Limb

According to Limb Loss Statistics, there are near 2 million people in the United States living with limb loss. Approximately 185,000 amputations occur in the United States each year, which means that 300 to 500 amputations are performed every day. And projected lifetime health-care costs for amputee patients are $509, 275 vs. $163, 282 for those treated with reconstruction. 

Amputation is the removal of a limb by trauma, medical illness, or surgery. Loss of limbs can be the result of many things such as accidents, explosions, and even diseases and can sometimes result in life-threatening complications. Oftentimes, as a surgical measure, amputations are performed to control pain or a disease process in an affected limb or as a preventative measure for any possible problems that may occur in the future. No matter what caused the amputation, our experienced amputation attorneys at The Cochran Firm can help you and your loved ones decide what the best legal course of action is that you should take.

Causes of amputations 

Among those living with limb loss, the main causes are vascular diseases, trauma, and cancer


According to Johns Hopkins, vascular diseases that often lead to amputation include blood vessel disease (peripheral vascular disease or PVD), diabetes, blood clots, or osteomyelitis. 


Traumatic amputation is the partial or total avulsion of a part of the body during a serious accident, such as traffic, labor, or combat. Some causes of traumatic amputation include:

  • Traffic accidents
  • Labor accidents (chainsaws, wood machines, meat machines, etc.)
  • Electric shock hazards
  • Firearms, bladed weapons, explosives 
  • Animal attacks
  • Gas cylinder explosions
  • & more


Cancer amputations are usually accredited to surgery to remove tumors from bones and muscles.

Types of Amputations

Lower limb amputations are divided into minor and major amputation categories. Minor amputations are referring to the “amputation of digits (toes)” and major amputations are referring to below-knee or above-knee amputations. Some types of lower limb amputation are:

  • Partial foot amputation
  • Ankle disarticulation
  • Trans-tibial amputation
  • Knee disarticulation
  • Hip disarticulation 
  • & more

Upper extremity amputations include:

  • Partial hand amputation
  • Wrist disarticulation
  • Trans-radial amputation (below-elbow or forearm)
  • Elbow disarticulation
  • Shoulder disarticulation
  • & more 

Medical Malpractice can also be the reason for amputations. For instance, medical malpractice can result in amputations where: 

  • The misdiagnosis of a certain medical condition lead to the spread of infection
  • The wrong medication was administered requiring amputation of affected limbs
  • The wrong limb is amputated during a medical operation

Amputation Costs 

According to The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, out-of-pocket medical costs of amputations exceed $90,000 within the first two years and prosthetics can cost as much as $40,000 alone. Add these costs to the loss of current and future income and stress can start to take a crucial toll on your health, mentally and physically.  

No one should have to pursue legal recourse alone, especially during the recovery process where you are experiencing major life changes. The Cochran Firm has the expansive experience and resources it takes to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. 
If you or someone you know has suffered a severe injury, like an amputation, contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our experienced personal injury attorneys today.