Brain Injury Attorney in Atlanta, Georgia

Traumatic brain injury, or head injury, is any kind of external physical blow or jolt to the head that causes a wounded skull or brain. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), An estimated 2.8 million people sustain a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) annually and TBI contributes to around a third (30%) of all injury deaths in the United States. According to BSITFC, the leading causes of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in Georgia were - Falls (49.88%), Motor Vehicle Crashes (24.36%), Being struck by an object or person (14.3%), and Violence (11/4%). A brain injury can be devastating and life altering for you and your family. The monetary costs involved with a brain injury can quickly dry up a family's life savings in a short span. The Brain Injury Association of Georgia (BIAA), states that "In Georgia alone, an average of 150,000 people have permanent disabilities caused by brain injuries." If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury as a result of the negligent acts of another, it is advisable to consult a brain injury lawyer with experience in Georgia brain injury claims.

Do I need a Georgia brain injury lawyer?

Head injuries can occur in all types of accidents. When these injuries occur, you or your loved ones could suffer long-term injuries that can affect your everyday life. If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury as a result of the negligent acts of another, it is imperative to consult a brain injury lawyer who understands the complexity of brain injury litigation. Contact our Atlanta, Georgia brain injury attorneys for a free evaluation of brain injury case.

What are the challenges in filing brain injury compensation claims in Georgia?

Traumatic brain injuries can lead to temporary or permanent brain damage. Brain injury cases are unique and challenging, and the outcomes of lawsuits are hard to predict, as each case is different. Though in legal terms, brain injury cases fall under personal injury, but unlike other personal injury cases, they are not easy to fight. Brain injuries are not easily identified; because of this an insurance company may try to deny the injury claim. Apart from this, symptoms of brain injury may show up days or weeks after the accident. In some brain injury cases, the victim may have little or no recollection of what happened; which can make establishing fault much more difficult.

What solution do brain injury lawyers at The Cochran Firm Atlanta offer to brain injury victims?

At The Cochran Firm Atlanta, our experienced Georgia brain injury attorneys and legal staff have a great track record and are well known for working hard to help clients get the results they desire. Our experienced brain injury attorneys will help investigate your claim and take the case to the court on your behalf.

What is the first step towards resolving my brain injury lawsuit in Georgia?

Call The Cochran Firm Atlanta if you have questions about resolving your case. Our experienced brain injury lawyers will assist you in pursuing the results you desire.  Call today for a free consultation at (404) 222-9922.

Want to file an Injury & accident claim, contact our Accident Lawyers, who have expertise in Auto AccidentCar AccidentBrain InjuryPersonal InjuryPremises LiabilityTruck AccidentPolice Misconduct and other areas of practice. Call The Cochran Firm Atlanta toll-free at (404) 222-9922, or send us your queries using this inquiry form.