How Can a Lawyer Help You Fight Police Misconduct?

Anyone in the United States, whether citizens or non-citizens, has the right to take legal action if subjected to police misconduct.  Police misconduct can include a number of abusive actions ranging from discriminatory traffic stops and use of excessive force to coercive sexual conduct.  If you experience Atlanta police misconduct, consult an experienced police misconduct lawyer about actions you can take.

The primary laws that allow civil recourse for police misconduct are Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the OJP (Office of Justice Programs) Program Statute.  Both of these laws protect people against discrimination from state and local law enforcement agencies.  Protection against police misconduct extends to either individual instances or patterns or practices of discriminatory conduct.  The Department of Justice (DOJ) provides funding to state law enforcement and most local agencies.  The DOJ enforces federal laws that govern state, county and local law enforcement officers, which include personnel working as prison guards in penitentiaries and jails along with federal law enforcement officers.

Examples of misconduct under these laws include:

  • Harassment
  • Use of racial slurs
  • Unjustified arrests
  • Discriminatory traffic stops
  • Coercive sexual conduct
  • Retaliation for filing a DOJ complaint
  • Use of excessive force
  • Agency refusal to respond to complaints alleging an officer's discriminatory treatment

Before bringing a lawsuit with the DOJ against police misconduct, you must file a complaint with the DOJ.  The DOJ attempts to resolve police misconduct issues administratively before allowing a victim to pursue a lawsuit.

The Cochran Firm Atlanta helps clients fight police misconduct and receive compensation for damages.  Arrange a free consultation to discuss your rights.

If you want to file an Injury & accident claim, contact our Accident Lawyers, who have expertise in Auto Accident, Car Accident, Brain Injury, Personal Injury, Premises Liability,Truck Accident, Police Misconduct and other areas of practice. Call The Cochran Firm Atlanta toll-free at (404) 222-9922, or send us your queries using this inquiry form.

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