About Testosterone Therapy
Over the years, many pharmaceutical companies and other medical entities have aggressively marketed the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy. These treatments are designed to help men who are suffering from low testosterone, almost always as a result of aging.
Testosterone replacement therapy has undeniable benefits, including increased energy and sex drive. However, recent research has made clear that it can present significant dangers to male health in certain circumstances.
The medical malpractice lawyers at The Cochran Firm are ready to help if you’ve suffered health problems after undergoing testosterone replacement therapy. We have the experience and the knowledge to understand the complex medical questions involved.
If you would like to speak to one of our experienced medical malpractice lawyers about testosterone replacement therapy, please call The Cochran Firm today at 1-800-843-3476.
The Dangers
Testosterone replacement therapy is not inherently dangerous, and it’s undeniably an invaluable treatment for many men. Under the right circumstances and when performed by the right doctor, testosterone replacement therapy is a safe, effective part of medical science.
But under the wrong circumstances, it can be quite dangerous.
The Dangers cont.
Recent research has found that men who are already showing signs of developing heart problems when they begin testosterone replacement therapy are at increased danger of heart attack and stroke.
The study, which was published in the November 2013 issue of The Journal of American Medicine, was itself inspired by a clinical trial of the effects of testosterone therapy on men at risk of heart problems that was cut short after a dangerously large number of trial participants suffered such problems.
In response, the Food and Drug Administration announced in January of 2014 that it was further investigating the issue.
A Doctor’s Responsibility
The Cochran Firm’s medical malpractice lawyers understand that medicine is a profession in which there are always certain risks. Not every tragic outcome justifies a medical malpractice claim.
However, doctors have certain responsibilities. Among them is remaining up-to-date on the newest developments in medical science. In the case of testosterone replacement therapy, this means knowing that the treatments might present unique threats to men at risk of heart problems.
And it means knowing a patient’s risk profile and acting accordingly. Doctors must know when to say “no” to a treatment.
If you experienced heart problems or a stroke after undergoing testosterone replacement therapy, you should speak to our medical malpractice lawyers immediately. Please contact The Cochran Firm today for a free consultation.