Psychiatric Malpractice
When you or your loved one suffers from emotional or mental trauma, a psychiatrist may be expected to help you deal with or recover from your trauma. But in some circumstances you may find yourself the victim of a psychiatrist’s neglect or abuse. Never is abuse of trust more traumatic than when it is performed by the very person from whom you are expecting help.
Types of Psychiatric Malpractice
The Cochran Firm works with the victims of psychiatric malpractice, a type of medical malpractice, to gain compensation after a psychiatrist causes harm. We work with individuals who have suffered from a psychiatrist:
- Abusing knowledge or power
- Sharing information without patient consent
- Threatening the patient
- Failing to notice or diagnose a dangerous condition
- Prescription of incorrect or harmful psychiatric medication
Dealing with Psychiatric Malpractice
Many cases of psychiatric medical malpractice are never reported because the victims are already emotionally unstable or uncertain of their own mental condition. Patients may find that their complaints about psychiatric malpractice are dismissed as paranoia or exaggeration of circumstances. Sometimes, even family members fail to listen when you tell them your concerns.
How We Can Help
If you feel you have been the victim of psychiatric medical malpractice you should meet with an attorney immediately to help determine the validity of your case. At The Cochran Firm, we may recommend that you meet with one of our trusted associated psychiatric specialists who can evaluate the extent of damage caused by your psychiatrist or help you evaluate your own circumstances.
Under no circumstances should you feel that your psychiatrist has the right to treat you without respect or care. Every medical professional has a responsibility toward his or her patients and takes an oath to bring no harm, physically, mentally, or emotionally, to patients. Your treatment at every step should be designed to help your condition improve and should be confidential.
If you have suffered negligence or mistreatment at the hands of a psychiatrist or psychiatric staff member, you should contact a medical malpractice attorney immediately. He or she can help you take the appropriate steps toward the compensation and justice that you deserve as a victim of an inexcusable type of medical malpractice.
Please contact The Cochran Firm today to meet with an attorney and confidentially discuss the details of your case. We serve clients at offices located nationwide and help individuals like you find help after psychiatric abuse and neglect.