Neck Injury Lawyers
In the United States, car accidents are responsible for approximately 37% of neck injuries, with violent crime accounting for 26%, slip and fall-related injuries counting for 24%, and the remaining 7% related to sports. More than 800,000 cases of car crashes involving neck injuries are reported in the United States yearly, with treatment costing as high as $5.2 billion.
Neck injuries can vary in seriousness and type. They can run from mild to life-threatening, as impact load or inactivity of the neck can increase in car accidents. No matter how minor or severe your neck injury may be, our experienced personal injury lawyers are here to help guide you through the claims process. To schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our attorneys today, please contact The Cochran Firm.
The Neck
The cervical spine begins at the base of the skull and contains vertebrae and cervical nerves responsible for controlling the neck, arms, and upper body. The vertebrae are bony and stiff with no ability to bend. The main joint between vertebrae is made up of a mass known as the disc. The discs can absorb downward forces placed on the vertebrae from the weight and movement of the head.
The discs are made up of an outer portion known as the annulus and a soft gel center known as the nucleus. The annulus keeps the nucleus contained. When trauma or degeneration causes the nucleus to be ejected through the annulus, it is referred to as a disc herniation. If the disc herniates in the direction of the spinal cord or nerve root, it may cause neurologic compromise. Disc herniations in the cervical spine can be serious and can, in some instances, cause paralysis. In most cases, patients complain of neck pain which radiates into one arm. The C5-C6 level represents 90% of cervical disc lesions.
In addition to disc herniation, neck injuries also take the form of vertebral dislocation, vertebral fracture, complete severance of the spinal cord, or compression of the spinal cord from a hematoma. Each year in America, approximately 11,500 significant spinal cord injuries occur. Approximately 6,500 people die of their injuries and 500 new quadriplegic and paraplegic patients are diagnosed.
Types & Symptoms
The most common neck injuries include neck strain or sprain, stiff muscles and tendons, herniated disc, pinched nerve, and fractured cervical spine. Whiplash is also very common, especially when relating to car accidents. Common neck injury symptoms include, but are not limited to:
- Difficulty turning the neck
- Headaches
- Muscle spasms in neck and shoulders
- Neck pain
- Stiffness in the neck
- Weakness in the legs, arms, hands, or fingers
Regardless of what the neck injury may be, you may be faced with the loss of income, hefty medical bills (past and future), and pain and suffering. At The Cochran Firm, our trust attorneys will work tirelessly to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.
If you or someone you know is suffering from a neck injury, contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our experienced personal injury attorneys today.