Fleet Phospho-Soda Lawsuits
The defective product lawyers at The Cochran Firm can help you receive the compensation you deserve if you have suffered a serious illness as a result of taking oral sodium phosphate (OSP) products as a bowel cleanser prior to a colonoscopy.
In December 2008, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that oral sodium phosphate products used for bowel cleansing prior to a colonoscopy may lead to the development of acute phosphate nephropathy, a serious kidney condition. Both prescription and over-the-counter OSP products have been linked to this increased risk of illness.
Fleet Phospho-Soda
Fleet Phospho-soda is an over-the-counter oral sodium phosphate product that has been used as a laxative for many years. However, the products manufacturer also indicated that a double dosage of the product could be used as a bowel cleanser during colonoscopy prep. The FDA has never approved a double dosage of Fleet Phospho-soda for use in colonoscopy prep.
After the December 2008 report issued by the FDA, a recall was issued on the following Fleet Phospho-soda products:
- Fleet Phospho-soda Oral Saline Laxative
- Fleet Phospho-soda EZ-Prep Bowel Cleansing System
- Fleet Phospho Accu-Prep
The FDA report indicated that when used as a bowel cleanser for a colonoscopy, over-the-counter Fleet Phospho-soda products may lead to:
- Acute phosphate nephropathy
- Kidney damage or renal disease
- Death
Acute Phosphate Nephropathy
Acute phosphate nephropathy is a severe kidney condition caused by the deposit of calcium-phosphate crystals in the renal tubules. It can permanently damage kidney function, causing you to require dialysis or a kidney transplant. In severe cases, it may cause renal failure and possibly death.
Symptoms of acute phosphate nephropathy generally develop within several weeks of undergoing a colonoscopy, and they may develop as quickly as a few hours after the procedure. Common symptoms of acute phosphate nephropathy include:
- Fluid retention
- High blood pressure
- Irregular heartbeat
- Muscle twitching
- Seizures
Anyone who has used oral sodium phosphate products as a bowel cleanser prior to a colonoscopy is at risk for developing acute phosphate nephropathy. However, the risk of developing this condition is greater in people who:
- Are over the age of 55
- Suffer from dehydration, kidney disease, acute colitis or delayed bowel emptying
- Take medications that affect kidney function
The Cochran Firm Can Help
If you have developed acute phosphate nephropathy from using a Fleet Phospho-soda product prior to your colonoscopy, you may be eligible to receive compensation for your injuries. The Cochran Firm is a high-powered, nationwide law firm that has the vast resources and experience needed to help you achieve a successful outcome for your claim.
Please contact our experienced defective product lawyers today to schedule your free case evaluation. We serve clients nationwide.