If you or a loved one has been injured in a slip and fall accident it’s important to remember that the steps you take immediately following the incident are crucial to building the best possible case.
Get medical attention immediately.
If you’ve been hurt, it’s important to see a doctor so that your injuries can be properly addressed and documented. Medical records will be important pieces of evidence should you decide to seek compensation for your injuries.
Report the accident. No matter where the accident occurred, make sure to report the accident and document every detail about it. Make sure to retain a copy of the report for your personal records.
Gather witness information. Did anyone see you fall? If so, ask them to give you their contact information including their name, address, telephone number, or email address. Ask if you can record a statement from them sooner than later while the information is fresh in their head.
Decline to give a statement. Remain calm and limit your communication with the property owner or manager. Do not talk about the incident with anyone other than your attorney. If their insurance company contacts you before you have spoken to your attorney, kindly decline to give a statement. Do not place blame or take blame.
Stay off social media. In this day and age it’s almost impossible to stay off social media. Do not say or do anything that downplays your injuries or suggests that you were in any way at fault.
Contact an attorney. If you decide to take legal action after a slip and fall accident, contact a knowledgeable, experienced attorney.
At The Cochran Firm, we have helped countless injury victims get the results they deserve after being harmed in a personal injury accident. Contact The Cochran Firm today or a free consultation.
Originally written by The Cochran Firm Philadelphia.
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