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Do I Have a Case?

DC Security Clearance Federal Employee Injury Lawsuit

Washington, DC, Maryland, Virginia security clearance, federal employee injury and wrongful death claims 

Some federal contractors and government employees sadly choose to break the law or hurt other people.  If you have been injured or your family member was seriously hurt by a federal contractor or government employee, we can help.  The Cochran Firm DC is actively investigating claims regarding the DC Navy Yard mass shooting tragedy.

Some federal contractors and government employees are negligently given security clearances they should not have.  These security clearance credentials may allow mentally unstable and out-of-control individuals to enter buildings and workplaces they have no place being.  Sometimes, these dangerous individuals needlessly hurt and even kill others.

Individuals who have a history of violent outbursts and run-ins with the law and who then injure, hurt, and kill innocent victims should not be given secret-level security clearances.  In situations where problematic individuals have been provided undeserved government credentials, something went wrong.  Individuals and companies who provided dangerous individuals with security clearances may be liable for negligence.  Individuals who were hurt or killed by these dangerous individuals may have a cause of action against the party that authorized the security clearance issuance.

Smaller Budget Should Not Mean Weak Security

In a time of decreasing government budgets, cost reduction measures may weaken security policies or harm safety programs.  A United States Department of Defense Inspector General’s report found that the Navy, in a move to lower expenses, cut corners with its safety procedures.  The report found that the Navy “did not effectively mitigate access-control risks associated with contractor-installation access” at Navy Yard and other Navy installations.  The report also states that “52 convicted felons received routine, unauthorized installation access, placing military personnel, dependents, civilians, and installations at an increased security risk.”

We hope that the DOD Inspector General’s findings do not apply to other federal agencies and government contractors, but experience in injury and negligence lawsuits tells us this may not be the case.  At The Cochran Firm, D.C., we are highly experienced in investigating claims of negligence surrounding wrongful death and personal injury lawsuits.  We are providing free no-obligation consultations to individuals and families of those who have been seriously hurt by individuals who may have been negligently provided security clearances.

Contact us for a no-cost case evaluation

If you or someone you love has been seriously injured by a federal contractor or government employee in Washington, D.C., Maryland, or Virginia, contact The Cochran Firm, D.C., today to speak with our experienced legal team.  Because strict time limits apply to filing a claim, we recommend that you contact us as soon as possible.

Our team of seasoned attorneys understands the legal process and knows what it takes to hold wrongdoers accountable.  Damages that are often sought in personal injury cases include lost past and future wages, medical care costs, hospital expenses, pain and suffering, and other items.  Our skilled professionals can explain the process during your free consultation.


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