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Karen E. Evans Receives 2015 Trailblazers Award

Cochran Firm, D.C. partner Karen E. Evans recently received a 2015 Trailblazers Award from the Greater Washington Area Chapter (GWAC) of the National Bar Association’s Women Lawyers Division. Ms. Evans and Chief Deputy Attorney General Natalie Ludaway, Danielle Conley, and Howard University School of Law Dean Holley-Walker received the award.

GWAC’s purpose is to help address community concerns, particularly those of women in the legal field. The objectives of GWAC are to help foster the presence of women in the legal industry of Washington, D.C., including aiding women to attend law school, pass the bar, and find employment.

The Greater Washington Area, Chapter of the National Bar Association’s Women Lawyers Division, also promotes continuing legal education and looking at any problems or issues in the Washington, D.C. area. GWAC achieves this by hosting seminars, workshops, and releasing publications on the issues.

Additionally, GWAC members implemented a girls' tutoring program at Malcolm X Elementary School and Harriet Tubman Elementary School in Washington, D.C. GWAC also works with residents of the Washington Center for Aging Services.

The Foundation participates in various legal, governmental, and community groups in Washington, D.C., including the D.C. Commission for Women, the National Committee on Pay Equality, the Women’s Bar Association, and the National League of Women Voters. GWAC hopes to assist the community and take important messages to a wider audience.

GWAC is actively interested in judicial and executive appointments, helping fill those vacancies by recommending its own excellent members. GWAC also helps keep members informed about employment vacancies.

Visit the GWAC Bar website for more information on all the exciting work The Greater Washington Area Chapter of the National Bar Association's Women Lawyers Division does.


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