The National Safety Council (NSC) recently released a plan to help curb traffic fatalities as part of its “Road to Zero” initiative to totally eliminate highway deaths in 30-years. The NSC believes state and federal regulators need to implement several initiatives to stem the increase in tragic accidents.
The four main contributing factors to auto deaths continue to be speeding, not wearing seatbelts, alcohol, and distracted driving. The Road to Zero initiative proposes policies to help alleviate these variables as factors in auto accidents, they include:
According to the NSC, an estimated 40,000 victims lost their lives in traffic collisions last year, marking a steady increase over the past decade. In addition to the human toll, traffic fatalities in 2016 came with a $432.5 billion economic impact affecting public services.
DC auto accident statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) show 23 victims lost their lives in fatal car crashes in 2015. Those numbers break down to the following:
Of all these fatalities, six (26 percent) involved intoxicated drivers. While statistics on distracted driving are hard to precisely calculate for the District of Columbia, a 2014 NHTSA study concluded up to 10 percent of all fatalities nationwide may be caused by some sort of distraction to the driver.
As a law firm committed to public safety, The Cochran Firm, D.C. supports programs and practices that protect our community. Furthermore, our auto accident law firm in Washington, DC strongly advocates for victims rights and ensuring wrongdoers are held responsible for their careless actions.
If you or a loved one were seriously hurt in a car crash, contact our office to discuss your case and find out if you could be entitled to compensation. All calls are free, confidential, and come with no obligation.